Write for us
- We are not a platform for creative writing, but we will occasionally publish smart essays, clever cartoons, and poems that address Hinduphobia (What is Hinduphobia? See: https://www.esamskriti.com/e/Culture/Indian-Culture/Reflections-on-Hinduphobia-A-Perspective-from-a-Scholar-~-Practitioner-1.aspx)
- We are not an academic journal; however, we invite scholarly, skilled, and rigorous work
- We seek writing that is accessible to informed, intelligent lay readers
- We seek opinion pieces that are carefully argued, evidence-based, and non-strident
- Commentaries should be 1,000-1,500 words long
- Book reviews should be 1,000-2,000 words long
- Scholarly analyses/research articles should not exceed 5,000 words
Style & Content
On matters of style:
- We accept work that uses either British or American English, but we would like you to be consistent in using one or the other (See: https://www.grammarlookup.com/british-vs-american-english/)
- Please proofread your work before submitting it to us; use the services of a copy editor if you are unsure of your command over the language
- All text should be 1.5 line or double spaced
- Use headings/sub-headings as/where necessary
Some Exemplars:
- “Reflections on Hinduphobia: A Perspective from a Scholar-Practitioner” – by Prof. Jeffery Long, Prabuddha Bharata, December 2017; available at https://www.esamskriti.com/e/Culture/Indian-Culture/Reflections-on-Hinduphobia-A-Perspective-from-a-Scholar-~-Practitioner-1.aspx
- “Understanding The New York Times’ Anti-Hindu Bias” – by Prof. Ramesh Rao, Medium.com; available at https://www.indiafacts.org.in/analyses/understanding-the-new-york-times-anti-hindu-bias-2/
- “Hinduphobia in America and the end of Irony” – by Suhag Shukla, India Abroad, March 2020; available at https://www.indiaabroad.com/opinion/hinduphobia-in-america-and-the-end-of-irony/article_852d3604-6323-11ea-b179-07cf88c6bd50.html
- “Hinduphobia: The Labour Party’s Other Problem” – by Ranbir Singh, Hindu Human Rights, May 2016; available at https://www.hinduhumanrights.info/hinduphobia-the-labour-partys-other-problem/
Statement on Plagiarism:
- Authors are responsible for checking and verifying the originality of their work before submitting it to IndiaFacts for publication
- Authors found plagiarizing will be barred from submitting further work to IndiaFacts
- What is plagiarism? (See: https://www.plagiarism.org/article/what-is-plagiarism)
- “Turning in someone else’s work as your own”
- “Copying words or ideas or images/pictures/graphics from someone else without giving credit”
- “Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation”
- “Copying so many words and/or ideas from someone else that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not”
At the discretion of the editor, we offer writers an honorarium for well-sourced, well-argued, and well-written articles, book reviews, and investigative reports.