
हिन्दुधर्मः १ – धर्मश्च रिलिजन् इति च

हिन्दुधर्मः १ – धर्मश्च रिलिजन् इति च

धर्मः इति शब्दस्य अनेके अर्थाः सन्ति । भारतदेशे प्राचीनकालतः विविधार्थेषु एषः शब्दः प्रयुक्तः । आदौ अस्माभिः बोधनीयं – रिलिजन् इति (“Religion”) आङ्ग्लशब्दः तथा मजहब इति (“Mazhab”) इति इस्लामीयशब्दः धर्मशब्दसमार्थकः नास्ति ।

जलस्य धर्मः वहनम् । परन्तु जलस्य रिलिजन् वा मजहब वा वहनम् इति विचारं सम्पूर्णतर-अर्थहीनमेव । न केवलं धर्मः रिलिजन् इति शब्दार्थे अनुवादितम् अपितु आङ्गलशब्दः ड्यूटी (“Duty”) इत्यार्थेऽपि प्रचलितम् । रिलिजन् इति शब्दवत् ड्यूटी इति धर्मव्याख्यार्थे असमर्थम् । जलस्य ड्यूटी वहनं इति व्यावहारोऽपि निरर्थकमेव । आङ्ग्लभाषायां जनाः ड्यूटीशब्दः विचारज्ञाय मतिमानप्राणिने च प्रयोगं कुर्वन्ति ।

माननीयभारततत्त्वविद् श्रीराजीवमलहोत्रामहोदयः वारंवारं वदति इति वयं निजपदार्थमाध्यमे (“Indic categories”) पाश्चात्यपदार्थं (“Western Categories”) नैव व्यवहारं कृत्वा धर्मं बोधेम ।[1],[2] अतः धर्मः किम् एतन्न पृष्ट्वा अस्माभिः पृष्ठनीयं धर्मस्य लिङ्गं लक्ष्यं च के ।


धर्मशब्दः धृ धातोः उद्भवति । धृ अर्थात् धारणे । [3] धारयति इति धर्मः मान्यते । महाभारते यदा युधिष्ठिरः भीष्मंx धर्मस्य विषयम् पप्रच्छ तदा भीष्मः उवाच – [4]

तादृशोऽयमनुप्रश्नो यत्र धर्मः सुदुर्वचः । दुष्करः प्रतिसङ्ख्यातुं तर्केणात्र व्यवस्यति ॥

प्रभावार्थाय भूतानां धर्मप्रवचनं कृतम् । यत्स्यादहिंसासंयुक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चयः ॥ [5]

धर्मः मनुष्य-कल्याणे सामाजिक-संमतेः च सहायतां करोति इति कर्णपर्वे भीश्मः युधिष्ठिरम् उक्तवान् –

धारणाद्धर्म इत्याहुर्धर्मेण विधृताः प्रजाः । यत्स्याद्धारणसंयुक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चयः ॥ [6]

वैषेशिकसूत्रे – यतोऽभ्युदयनिः श्रेयससिद्धिः स धर्मः ।[7]

श्रीमद्-भगवते उक्तं – लोकयात्रार्थमेवेह धर्मस्य नियमः कृतः। उभयत्र सुखोदर्कः इह चैव परत्र च ॥[8]

महाभारते कथ्यते – अक्रोधः सत्यवचनं, संविभागः क्षमा तथा। प्रजनः स्वेषु दारेषु, शौचमद्रोह एव च॥ आर्जवं भृत्यभरणं, नवैते सार्ववार्णीकाः॥[9]

महामुनिः मनुः मनुस्मृतौ उक्तवान् – धृति: क्षमा दमोऽस्‍तेयं शौचमिन्‍द्रियनिग्रह:। धीर्विद्या सत्‍यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम्‌।।[10]

याज्ञवल्क्यः धर्मस्य नवलक्षणम् वर्णयति – अहिंसा सत्‍यमस्‍तेयं शौचमिन्‍द्रियनिग्रह:। दानं दमो दया शान्‍ति: सर्वेषां धर्मसाधनम्‌।।[11]

उपरिलिखितविचारात् इदं स्पष्टं यत् धर्मः अस्माभ्यां व्यावहारिक-जीवन-समस्याः समाधानं ददाति । धर्मः बुद्धि-युक्ति-नियमाधारितः । ततः धर्मेण जनाः जानन्ति किं च कर्तव्यं किं च अकर्तव्यम् । अक्रोधः, सत्यभाषणं, क्षमागुणः, सरलप्रकृतिः चैव लक्षणानि सर्वैरेव आचरितव्यानि । वयं जानीमः यत् कः सन्मार्गः अस्ति कः च कुमार्गः । अनया एव ज्ञायते यत् किम् उचितम् किं च अनुचितम् । धर्मे अवास्तव-विचारस्य स्थानं नास्ति ।

हिन्दुमतान्तर्गतः एतानि सर्वाणि लिङ्गानि लक्ष्यानि च सन्ति । जैनमते बौद्धमते च धर्मस्य बहुनि लिङ्गानि लक्ष्यानि च उपस्थितानि ।

अतः सर्वे हिन्दुजैनबौध्हमतानि धर्माः वदन्ति ।

रिलिजन् एवं गाड् इति

रिलिजन् इति पाश्चात्यः अब्राहमीयमताधारितः (“Abrahamic theology”) निर्माणः । रिलिजन् इति धर्मः नास्ति । त्रयः मुख्याः अब्राहमीयविचाराधारिताः मताः सन्ति – ख्रीष्टीयमतधारिणामं समूहः (“Christianity”), इस्लामीयमतं (“Islam”) च यहूदिमतम् (“Judaism”) | रिलिजन् इति निर्माणस्य मुख्यानि त्रीणि समुदयानि प्रयोजनानि [12]:

  • एकः गाड् इति (“One God”)
  • एकः दूतः (“One Prophet”) यः गाड् इत्यस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा अनुवदति
  • एकः ग्रन्थः (“Holy Book”) यत्र गाड् इत्यस्य एवं दूतस्य ऐन्द्रजालिक-जीवन-घटनाः लिखिताः

अब्रहामीयमतानुसारे केवलम् एकः गाड् इति वर्तते । ततः रिलिजन् “मॉनथीइज़म” (“monotheism”) एक-गाड-वादः वा इति उच्यते ।

  • इस्लामीय-ग्रन्थ-कोराने कथितः – अल्लाः अन्तरेण कोऽपि गाड् इति नास्ति । मुहम्मदः तस्य दूतः ।[13]
  • ख्रीष्टीय-ग्रन्थ-बाइबले गाड् इति स्वयम् उवाच – अहं गाड् इति अस्मि मां विना कोऽपि नास्ति । [14]

अब्रहामीयमताविलम्बी सत्य-द्वये विश्वासं करोति – सृष्टिकर्ता च सृष्टिः च (“Creator and Creation”) । अब्रहमीयः गाड् इति अल्लाः वा विश्वस्य सृष्टिकर्ता । गाड् इति पौरुषेयः अस्ति । गाड् इत्यस्य रुचि-अरुचिः वर्तते । यः गाडे विश्वासं न कुर्वन्ति (“atheist”) तं प्रति गाड् इति अत्यन्त-निर्दयम् अस्ति । ते जनाः नरके अनन्तकालं यावत् दुःखं पीडां च अनुभविष्यन्ति इति गाड् इति दूतस्य माध्यमे ग्रन्थे घोषितवान् ।[15], [16]

गाड् इति कदापि अस्माकं हिन्दुधर्मस्य देवदेवीसमतुल्यं नास्ति । आगामिभागे वयमिदम् सर्वविषये विस्तारितरूपेनालोचनाम् करिष्यामः ।

Hindu Dharma – 1: Dharma and Religion

The word dharma has many meanings. In India from ancient times the word Dharma has been used in various senses. At the very onset we must understand that what is known as “Religion” in the west or “Mazhab”/ “Deen” in Islamic culture, is not the same as Dharma.

The dharma of water is to flow. However it is meaningless to say that the “religion” or “deen” of water is to flow. Not only is “dharma” translated as religion, sometimes it is also translated as “duty”. Like “religion”, “duty” cannot explain dharma. To say that the duty of water is to flow is meaningless. In English language, the word duty is applicable to people with thinking abilities and to beings with intellect.

Noted Indologist Shri Rajiv Malhotra often says that to understand our dharma we must use Indic categories and not take recourse to western categories. Instead of asking what dharma is, we should therefore ask what the signs and aims of dharma are.


The word dharma is derived from the root धृ meaning to uphold. That which upholds is known as Dharma. In Mahabharata, on being asked the purport of Dharma by Yudhishthira, Bhishma replies: It is most difficult to define Dharma. Dharma has been explained to be that which helps in the upliftment of living beings. Therefore, that which ensures the welfare of living beings is surely Dharma. The learned rishis have declared that which sustains is Dharma.

Dharma helps in the welfare of man and in achieving societal-harmony. Bhishma explains this to Yudhishthira in Karna-Parva of Mahabharata: Dharma sustains the society. Dharma maintains the social order. Dharma ensures wellbeing and progress of humanity. Dharma is surely that which fulfills these objectives.

In Shrimad Bhagavad it is said: The rules are dharma are made thus to enable smooth functioning of this world. But following it will give you lot of happiness not only in this world, but also the afterlife.

In Mahabharata Shanti-Parva it is said: Truthfulness, to be free from anger, sharing wealth with others, forgiveness, procreation of children from one’s wife alone, purity, absence of enmity, straightforwardness and maintaining persons dependent on oneself are the nine rules of the Dharma of persons belonging to all the Varna’s.

In Manusmriti, the great rishi Manu explains the ten signs of Dharma as patience, forgiveness, piety or self-control, honesty, sanctity, sense-control, reason, knowledge or learning, truthfulness and absence of anger.

According to Yajnavalkya, the nine signs of Dharma are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, and purity, control of senses, giving, self-control, forgiveness and compassion.

From these definitions it is clear that dharma provides us solutions to problems in our everyday practical life. Dharma is based on reasoning, logic and rules. From dharma, one can discern what is to be done and what is not. Ideas like non-anger, speaking the truth, forgiving-nature, simple living etc. must be imbibed by everybody. This helps us understand what the right path is and what is not. Dharma thus gives us guidance on what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Dharma is not based on any illogical premise.

Hinduism has all these signs and aims. Jainism and Buddhism have many of the above mentioned signs and aims. Thus Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism may be considered dharma.

Religion and God

Religion is a western construct based on Abrahamic theology. Religion is not dharma. There are three main Abrahamic religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism. A religion has three main components:

  • One and only God
  • One and only one Prophet who alone can hear and transmit God’s message
  • One Holy Book where God’s and messenger’s magical life stories are recorded

As per Abrahamic theology, there can only be One God. Hence religion is by default monotheistic.

  • As per Koran: There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
  • As per Bible: I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me.

Followers of Abrahamic theology, believe in two separate realities – a Creator (God) and his creation (the universe). God is a male human like figure. God has strong likes and dislikes. God has no mercy for those who don’t believe in Him (an atheist). Such people are destined to eternally burn in Hell – such has God proclaimed through his Prophet or Son.

Obviously God can in no way be considered same as Hindu devas and devis. In the subsequent articles, we would look into these issues in more depth.


Jois, R. (2016, December 4). Dharma The Global Ethic. Retrieved from VHP America:

Malhotra, R. (2011). Being Different: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism. Delhi: HarperCollins Publishers India.

Singh, A., & Natarajan, S. (2013, September). Sanskrit Non Translatables. Retrieved from Rajiv Malhotra:

Wirth, M. (2013, June 27). Difference between Hinduism and Christianity/Islam. Retrieved from Maria Wirth:


[1] See (Malhotra, 2011)

[2] (Singh & Natarajan, 2013)

[3] to hold, to bear, to support


[5] (Jois, 2016)

[6] (Jois, 2016)

[7] वैशेषिक-१,१.२

[8] श्रीमद्भागवत् १२-२५९-४, ५

[9] शान्ति पर्व 60-7,8

[10] मनुस्‍मृति ६.९२

[11] याज्ञवल्क्यस्मृति १.१२२

[12] … A “God” who is personal, male, separate from his creation and with strong likes and dislikes. For example, this God, so is claimed, greatly dislikes any human being who does not acknowledge him as the only true God. In fact he even has decreed that any such human being will burn eternally in hell, unless he officially (through a small ritual) joins the ‘true religion’. Now, how do these religions know what God is and what he wants? Because God/ Allah has revealed ‘the truth’ to two persons – to Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago and Prophet Mohammed some 1400 years ago, and these revelations have been handed down in two books, the Bible and the Quran. And what is the proof that all this is true? There is no proof, except for the words of those two persons who are, however, not ordinary persons: Jesus Christi is the only son of God and Prophet Mohammed Allah’s final prophet.

(Wirth, 2013)

[13] lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur-rasūlu-llāh (Shahahda)

[14] Isaiah 46:9

[15] “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.” Quran (3:56)

[16] Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works. John 1:9-11

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Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay

Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay is from a data science background and his research interest includes history, religion and philosophy. He is the author of "The Complete Hindu’s Guide to Islam" and "Ashoka the Ungreat".