
Weekly Hindu Persecution Digest: 24 November- 30 November 2014

Weekly Hindu Persecution Digest: 24 November- 30 November 2014

1. Woman shot at in second case of ‘honour’ in 2 days

Report: A Muslim woman, who had converted to Hinduism after marrying a man from the Jatav caste, was shot in the head by two men on a motorcycle at Siwaya village.


2. RSS karyakartha attacked in Chennai by Jihadis

Report: Rajkumar a local unit Secretary of the RSS  was brutally attacked by Muslim goons withiron rods and lethal weapons on a public road while he was going to the office.


3. Captors bought back girls once rescued from slavery

Report: In a case where the Central division police arrested a man and his son-in-law for allegedly sexually harassing three minor girls kept as bonded labourers in their home for over three years, investigations have revealed that the accused had forcibly converted the victims to Islam.




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