

The surprising un-Indianness of BORI’s course on Indian heritage
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

The surprising un-Indianness of BORI’s course on Indian heritage

Omkar Sathe- June 30, 2020

BORI has great potential, and there is tremendous respect for their work. However, with great power comes great responsibility. BORI comes from a place of ... Read More

The Neuro-Cognitive Science of Itihasa and Purana
Archives, Commentaries

The Neuro-Cognitive Science of Itihasa and Purana

Smrithi Adinarayanan- August 24, 2018

While the benefits of the Itihasa-Purana go much beyond neuroscience, furthering research along these lines can help develop a contemporary understanding and appreciation for these ... Read More

Dharma: An Intellectual History
Archives, Indology

Dharma: An Intellectual History

Shrikanth Krishnamachary- August 2, 2018

Varṇāśrama is the aspect of Dharma that is most problematic in our times. This is partly because western liberalism privileges "individual liberty" as the highest ... Read More

The General Framework of Hinduism- II
Archives, Indology

The General Framework of Hinduism- II

Milind Sathye- July 23, 2018

Hinduism presents an inclusive way of life which is not adversarial to any other thought or ways of worship. It is environmental friendly and has ... Read More

Who Really got the Divine Mango: Gaṇeśa or Kārthikeya?
Archives, Blog

Who Really got the Divine Mango: Gaṇeśa or Kārthikeya?

Yamuna Harshavardhana- January 24, 2018

We have vast amounts of oral, literary, historic, artistic and cultural traditions in each region – nay each hamlet – of Bhārata. Each aspect in ... Read More