

Plato and the Upanishads – 3
Archives, Indology

Plato and the Upanishads – 3

Dr. Nicholas Kazanas- March 14, 2018

Given the many similarities between the Upanishadic tradition and the Platonic school, many scholars naturally wonder whether there were contacts (or cross-influences) between India and ... Read More

Plato and the Upanishads – 2
Archives, Indology

Plato and the Upanishads – 2

Dr. Nicholas Kazanas- March 12, 2018

We should note a certain difficulty in the Platonic system. There is no clear concept of Self, as is the Atman (the supreme power and ... Read More

Plato and the Upanishads – 1
Archives, Indology

Plato and the Upanishads – 1

Dr. Nicholas Kazanas- March 9, 2018

Unlike Plato’s Dialogues which are the writings of one author, the Upanishads were composed and/or compiled by many different sages who lived in different periods ... Read More