

Mehbooba Is Already Enjoying A Rare ‘Azadi’- I
Archives, Rights (Discrimination & Appeasement)

Mehbooba Is Already Enjoying A Rare ‘Azadi’- I

Arvind Lavakare- August 11, 2017

Mehbooba Mufti is an ardent supporter of the evil “separatist” agenda in J&K, if not a “separatist” herself. Read More

Book Review: Jammu & Kashmir – Dilemma of Accession by Radha Rajan
Archives, Commentaries

Book Review: Jammu & Kashmir – Dilemma of Accession by Radha Rajan

Ram Ohri- June 19, 2017

This difficult to put down book will be of immense interest to all strategic thinkers,analysts and anyone interested in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. Read More

India’s Forgotten Soldiers: An Appeal to those criticizing them
Archives, Blog

India’s Forgotten Soldiers: An Appeal to those criticizing them

Kalavai Venkat- June 15, 2017

My words are not powerful enough to capture the reality our army experiences. Read More

Tackling Jihad-e Kashmir And Ghazwa-e Hind
Archives, Demography (Persecution & Proselytisation)

Tackling Jihad-e Kashmir And Ghazwa-e Hind

Ram Ohri- June 3, 2017

What India is facing in Kashmir is not a campaign for ‘azadi’ but a monster called jihad. Read More