
British Imperialism

Hijab: “Freedom” and “Rights” Under Cover

Hijab: “Freedom” and “Rights” Under Cover

Mayura Rao- February 12, 2022

(Image courtesy: The Hijab row in Karnataka seems to be stirring more political hornets than enlightening us about the religious sanctity or its social ... Read More

British Raj And The Defaming of India Since The 1800s (I)

British Raj And The Defaming of India Since The 1800s (I)

Manu Kohli- September 24, 2021

Wilberforce contended that for the Empire in India to be secure, Indians needed to be persuaded that the maintenance of the Empire was connected with ... Read More

The White Man’s Burden
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

The White Man’s Burden

Shrinidhi Rao- January 25, 2017

The British objective to exercise their superiority on the “other” has always been the psychological and ideological basis for the Europeans’ imperialist strategies. Read More

Book Review: An Era of Darkness by Shashi Tharoor
Archives, Commentaries

Book Review: An Era of Darkness by Shashi Tharoor

Dr Pingali Gopal- January 13, 2017

We must thank Shashi Tharoor for such a wonderful book which would open the eyes of the Indian public and students, largely and unfortunately disconnected ... Read More

भारत संसाधनों से नहीं मानसिकता से गुलाम है : आज़ाद देश के गुलाम नागरिक
Archives, Hindi

भारत संसाधनों से नहीं मानसिकता से गुलाम है : आज़ाद देश के गुलाम नागरिक

Shubham Verma- January 3, 2017

यह विकास की एक अंधी दौड़ है जिसमे पैसे के नाम पर चंद कागज के टुकड़े हाथ में थामकर आपसे बदले में आपकी नदियाँ, पहाड़, ... Read More