
congress crimes

Democracy Preserved? – Facts about the Emergency in India
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Democracy Preserved? – Facts about the Emergency in India

Yashowardhan Tiwari- June 25, 2020

Emergency was imposed throughout India in the wee hours of June 26th, 1975, which gave the world’s biggest and most lively democracy a bitter taste ... Read More

Congress Crimes 5: Punishing Congress crimes is no vendetta
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Congress Crimes 5: Punishing Congress crimes is no vendetta

Ravi Shanker Kapoor- July 4, 2014

The Congress leaders seem to be convinced that they can fool all the people all the time. The grand old party has reasons to be ... Read More

Congress Crimes circa 2013
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Congress Crimes circa 2013

Tejasvi Surya- January 1, 2014

The last ten years of the Congress-led UPA has been disastrous for the country. Read More

Congress Crimes 2: Nehru dynasty and National Suicide
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Congress Crimes 2: Nehru dynasty and National Suicide

Gautam Sen- December 27, 2013

The kindest description of Jawaharlal Nehru’s politics is that he was ambitious, but also a dupe. His thinking was imbued with all the half-baked prejudices ... Read More