

A (T)Radical Critique of Modernity — Sanatana Exceptionalism in the Light of Modernity

A (T)Radical Critique of Modernity — Sanatana Exceptionalism in the Light of Modernity

Maragatham- February 21, 2023

Image -- Courtesy of -- Pinterest Coming to Grips The family is in steep decline, but nobody knows it. On the contrary, we have been ... Read More

Christ in the Hindu Mind – From Idol-Worship to Ideal-Worship
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

Christ in the Hindu Mind – From Idol-Worship to Ideal-Worship

Maragatham- July 28, 2020

Deep down, we have been rewired, we have all been Christianized and the sooner we realize it the faster we can step out of the ... Read More

The Indian Liberals and their Fundamental Problem
Archives, Commentaries

The Indian Liberals and their Fundamental Problem

GV Shivakumar- April 28, 2020

There are different kinds of liberals in India. Some are self-claimed. Some have a liberal orientation by the virtue of modern education and tend to ... Read More

Self-Sacrifice: Hindu Sheep in the Liberal Church
Archives, Commentaries

Self-Sacrifice: Hindu Sheep in the Liberal Church

Maragatham- February 4, 2020

If you find that you have been unknowingly converted out of the religion of your birth into Liberalism, you can remedy your situation by reverse ... Read More

The Fall of Liberalism in India
Archives, Commentaries

The Fall of Liberalism in India

Yogendra Singh- January 31, 2020

Double standards and contrasting stance involving same issue but different groups and excessive outrage over one crisis but numb silence over the other, has been ... Read More