
British colonial rule

British Raj And The Defaming of India Since The 1800s (I)

British Raj And The Defaming of India Since The 1800s (I)

Manu Kohli- September 24, 2021

Wilberforce contended that for the Empire in India to be secure, Indians needed to be persuaded that the maintenance of the Empire was connected with ... Read More

Fighting for India: Britain vs. Russia in the Great Game
Archives, Commentaries

Fighting for India: Britain vs. Russia in the Great Game

Pankaj Saxena- August 10, 2020

This massive game to counter the great threat to India’s territorial integrity was called the Great Game. The name became popular only in relation to ... Read More

Deadly distortions of Colonial Rule- Notes from ‘A Ruler’s Gaze’ by Arvind Sharma- III
Archives, Indology

Deadly distortions of Colonial Rule- Notes from ‘A Ruler’s Gaze’ by Arvind Sharma- III

Dr Pingali Gopal- May 12, 2018

There is a remarkable convergence of thought on India’s sense of lack of its own history by the British and Muslim rulers. Sadly, the narrative ... Read More

Deadly distortions of Colonial Rule- Notes from ‘A Ruler’s Gaze’ by Arvind Sharma- II
Archives, Indology

Deadly distortions of Colonial Rule- Notes from ‘A Ruler’s Gaze’ by Arvind Sharma- II

Dr Pingali Gopal- May 9, 2018

William Adam said in his first report about Bengal and Bihar that every village had at least one school and that there were 1800 institutes ... Read More

Deadly distortions of Colonial Rule- Notes from ‘A Ruler’s Gaze’ by Arvind Sharma- I
Archives, Indology

Deadly distortions of Colonial Rule- Notes from ‘A Ruler’s Gaze’ by Arvind Sharma- I

Dr Pingali Gopal- May 7, 2018

Arvind Sharma applies the Saidian lens in analysing the British and Muslim rule over India and the distortions they inflicted. Sadly, there has been a ... Read More