
catholic church

Limpieza de Sangre and the origins of the Caste system
Archives, Commentaries

Limpieza de Sangre and the origins of the Caste system

S. Subrahmanya- May 9, 2020

The encounter between the Europeans and the pre-existing peoples and civilizations of the Americas was one of the bloodiest in human history and led to ... Read More

Babas in white robes: ‘God’ men and their misdeeds
Archives, Rights (Discrimination & Appeasement)

Babas in white robes: ‘God’ men and their misdeeds

IndiaFacts Staff- August 29, 2017

This article takes a dispassionate look at the so called Godmen across religious backgrounds, the evil they indulge in and the kind of leeway given ... Read More

Academic Hinduphobia in America
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

Academic Hinduphobia in America

Yvette Rosser- January 16, 2015

The study of Hinduism in the West is currently undergoing a metamorphosis. Second and third generation Hindu-Americans, who since the 1960’s were educated in American ... Read More

Christian missionaries target every single component of Hindu society
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

Christian missionaries target every single component of Hindu society

B R Haran- January 10, 2015

Scheming Sadhus, Shastris, Maamis and Iyers The Church, which focused on harvesting Scheduled Castes and Most Backward Classes in the beginning, has also started concentrating ... Read More