
Galwan Valley

India and Boundary: Containing China
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India and Boundary: Containing China

Sujit Roy- July 1, 2020

The chinese establishment thinks that China has been in the centre of the world and they would rule the rest. This is the mindset called ... Read More

Two-Front War: How Realistic Is A Joint China-Pakistan Attack?
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Two-Front War: How Realistic Is A Joint China-Pakistan Attack?

Rakesh Krishnan Simha- June 29, 2020

Since the sixties, the prospect of collusion between the dragon and the jehadi state has been a constant factor in India’s war planning. Read More

Far from evicting the Chinese, India is throwing in the towel
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Far from evicting the Chinese, India is throwing in the towel

Bharat Karnad- June 25, 2020

The territory taken away by the Chinese will stay annexed. And this will be proven by commercial satellites a month hence which will show no ... Read More