
jawaharlal nehru university

JNU Chronicles: The Non-Arya
Archives, Rights (Discrimination & Appeasement)

JNU Chronicles: The Non-Arya

Navneet N- September 26, 2015

This is the first part of a series of real-life tales from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), often known as the citadel of Indian Marxism, narrated by ... Read More

Jawaharlal Nehru the committed Communist
Archives, Commentaries

Jawaharlal Nehru the committed Communist

IndiaFacts Staff- January 12, 2015

This essay forms the foreword of Sita Ram Goel's study of Jawaharlal Nehru titled Genesis and Growth of Nehruism. Authored by the former British Comintern agent Philip Spratt in ... Read More

Indoctrination @ JNU
Archives, Commentaries

Indoctrination @ JNU

IndiaFacts Staff- November 15, 2014

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has earned infamy for being the Mecca of Marxism in India. What however is not widely known is the exact nature ... Read More

Fact Sheet on the JNU Mahishasura Day Controversy
Archives, Demography (Persecution & Proselytisation)

Fact Sheet on the JNU Mahishasura Day Controversy

Abhinav Prakash- October 18, 2014

Introduction On 14 October, the Press release of Asian Human Rights Commission titled “INDIA: Raid of Forward Press office is attack on freedom of expression” ... Read More

Campus Wars: AISF bullies JNU Vice Chancellor over Hindu festival
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

Campus Wars: AISF bullies JNU Vice Chancellor over Hindu festival

IndiaFacts Staff- October 3, 2014

A reader alerted IndiaFacts to what an ongoing campus war occurring in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). The war though is being fought with posters and pamphlets. The occasion this ... Read More