

Muslim Homecoming: How Probable is It?
Book Reviews

Muslim Homecoming: How Probable is It?

Virendra Parekh- December 21, 2020

The process of Muslims coming back to the Hindu fold has been going on for centuries, says Dr. Sharan, giving several examples from different times ... Read More

Aetiology of Subversion: The Delhi Riots of 2020
Book Reviews

Aetiology of Subversion: The Delhi Riots of 2020

Prakash Shah- October 17, 2020

Organised criminal networks will be drawing lessons from the Delhi conflagration but so must the Indian authorities. The international community, whose members have either remained ... Read More

How Many Erdogan Inspired Aamir Khans in India?
Archives, Identity (Distortion & Appropriation)

How Many Erdogan Inspired Aamir Khans in India?

Ram Ohri- August 24, 2020

Time has come for the Indian government to launch a multi-pronged attack on the tribe of fast multiplying Aamir Khans, both within and without Bollywood. ... Read More

Turbulent Minority: Why the Bengaluru riots are a countdown to civil war
Archives, Demography (Persecution & Proselytisation)

Turbulent Minority: Why the Bengaluru riots are a countdown to civil war

Rakesh Krishnan Simha- August 17, 2020

As the political leadership ignores the relentless invasion of the Hindu space by Muslims, the stage is being set for a future civil war. The ... Read More

The Great Calcutta Killings: How Calcutta Would Have Been Lost Forever
Archives, Demography (Persecution & Proselytisation)

The Great Calcutta Killings: How Calcutta Would Have Been Lost Forever

Avik Sarkar- August 15, 2020

A dialogue on Hindu persecution in the urban spaces of West Bengal is still regarded as a topsy turvy irrational subject. That is why the ... Read More